Thursday, 14 May 2009

As By The Strength Of Their Illusion Shall Draw Him On To His Confusion.

There are groups of people, the creationists spring to mind, that create a myth, however incongruous it is with established fact, and believe it fully; they do this to protect certainties without which their world would fall apart. Isolation and separation is honed and perfected, making a small, very much known world, safe, and without any annoying confusion or doubt. In fact, most individuals (and the institutions they form) are all about creating a known system with absolute rules and laws, comforting, safe. It is a way of making sense of our feeling of being apart, the alienation of being a separate entity; it is an attempt to satisfy that longing to come home, that persistent sense that something is missing. There is an urge to make a safe nest with known factors, an attempt by the mind for it to all make perfect sense. What these words point to is the certainties falling apart. There is no advice, but it can't hurt to do what 12-step programmes and other practices encourage: to be honest, open and willing. Honesty in its best sense probably means being truthful about motives, and most motives boil down to protecting the personal identity and the little world it operates in. Openness and willingness can simply allow room for another possibility, whatever that may be. And that may be relinquishing everything important, the value system by which you live, the very person that lives. Being trapped in the human condition, no matter how comfortable the prison might be, no matter how bearable separation is, is still incarceration. Paradoxically, the prison is perfection, everything as it seems right now is just as it must be. But it can either be happening to you, or just happening.


Admin said...

I really love this one, perfectly expressed. The last line narrows it all down for a beautiful end: "But it can either be happening to you, or just happening."

I been following all your articles, just have not been commenting. Laziness arising on the full-front (stopped writing articles, stopped replying to email, just simply stopping the routine arose). Seem to subside now.

I love the pictures you show, the photoshopped ones and the many variety of pictures of you (the clown one was cute).

It's always fun to have a sneak-peek into "someone else's" life, especially now knowing that everyone is the One or the Self or 'you' (however the phrase arises).

Wellness Education Institute said...

when "man" creates "god" in his-own image, said "god" tends to look and act a lot like man.
this man-made god tends to be a tad judge-mental, puni-tive, vindictive, self-righteous, etc., etc.
of course, any anger that said god disperses will immediately be "justified" by the very men who worship this "all-loving" god.
but it still amazes me that men can actually believe that an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving "ALL" would:
(a) create imperfect beings who "sin,"
(b) send "one son" down to die for said sins, and then
(c) allow "his" imperfect creations to "burn in hell for eternity" even when it is obvious that "they know not what they do."
"God" ain't the problem, of Course, but men who create false-gods in their own image and then KILL in his name define "insanity."
it's a Good thing that all of this is just a ripe, juicy story, Be-Cause otherwise it would be a nightmare.
as forrest gump might say, "maybe it's both."
...just checkin' in,
love, len :)

No One In Particular said...

Nicholas, thanks for taking the time to follow all the posts. Laziness arises for me as well, but more in connection with ironing!

No One In Particular said...

Len, what a relief that there is no separate God. Everything is god, everything is prayer, everything is meditation. Nightmares may arise, and what we label "wrong" actions may seem to happen, but it all unfolds in perfection whether little dream-people think so or not!

Admin said...

There is that ironing again *laughs*... 'You' must be the perfect 'person' to iron, if the pile builds-up so quickly. Do 'you' iron 'your' friends clothes too and friends of friends? Sounds like the stack gets pretty high.

Do 'you' have nightmares about an iron chasing 'you'! 'I' bet 'you' do! 'You' poor ironing slave, 'I' will break 'you' free!

'My' ego needs some kinda save-the-day mission and this one seems perfect: mission mass ironing impossible! hahaha

Wellness Education Institute said...

chop wood,
iron clothes,
carry water

No One In Particular said...

Before awakening, chop wood, iron. After awakening, chop wood, iron, throw dream-iron out the window! Or at dream-husband's head, whichever is "closer".

Wellness Education Institute said...

now THAT had me laughing out loud!
although... (and you KNOW that i HAVE to say this) it was a tad ironic.

No One In Particular said...

Damn and blast, Lenny, you ratbag, intellectual envy arises! I swear I never saw the blindingly obvious iron/ironic wordplay. As the illusion of reality is seen through, perhaps my character is losing some ability to negotiate that illusion! Humility arises.

willie said...

all I can say is: your husband is one extremely fortunate so-and-so.

Willie R.

No One In Particular said...

Willie, I'm certain that for "him", occasionally something other than gratitude for me arises!

No One In Particular said...

Oh dear. I didn't mean that to be a double entendre, although the whole "rising in awareness" turn of phrase is ripe with naughty wordplay possibilities! Behave yourselves, boys.

Admin said...

*laughs out loud*

The comments in this post are causing more than just ironic ironing to arise (so it seems). Quite the long section... of comments.

('I' don't know to behave *grins*)

Wellness Education Institute said...

comments arise, but it's hard to keep up when rising arises out of irony and the dream-girlfriend is away...or was that clo[th]se?

sorry, that was a mouthful, and understanding arises if you choose not to post this anti-climatic comment :)