We are never alone. Even the ascetic monk on the proverbial mountain, playing out the story of hermitage and self-denial, is not alone. The drunk in those last, lost stages of active addiction, locked in a filthy room, shades drawn, is not alone, despite the overwhelming feeling of isolation. However we may run, we cannot hide; whatever form the running takes, whatever machinations the mind concocts to be anywhere, anywhen but here and now, there is no escaping this. Mike S has some great thoughts about awakening with others, and how others are necessary to mirror and thus unravel our small ego-self; read some of his concepts here. Yet there's no getting away from others, the many lamps of one light. Try and hide from all that is; it isn't possible. Whatever you do, it is God; whatever you see, it is God; whatever you are, it is God, and so is everything.
There is so much finger-pointing, advice and pointers to whatever it is Reality is supposed to be; so many methods and suggestions, so many ways to get it all right, or all wrong. There are ways to inject meaning into life, ways to potentially change our perception, tasks to complete that will remove every layer of deception, revealing the final and ultimate Truth. Yet this is the final and ultimate truth, just simply this, whatever it is that seems to be, just as it is. You are all you see, you are what makes it all manifest. There is no way to get it wrong. Strip the ego away, or let it thrive; there is no escaping reality. There are no mistakes, so don't reject rejection; do not prefer to have no preferences; do not be displeased by displeasure; and endeavour to not let go of holding on. There is no me that grieves, there is grief. There is no me that is tangled in the senses; there is entanglement. If love and hate are absent, and there is no distinction, heaven and earth are one; if the smallest distinction is made, and you seem the most separate, unenlightened being on Earth, heaven and earth are still one. Oneness does not care if there is separation. Oneness is one; life is always as it is meant to be.
I love the way you don't give preference to anything.
Do or not.
Such a refreshing breath of air.
Well...it's all the same thing.
nice words.
Thanks for stopping by Freedom.
Just to recognise this as something, even if it is dark outside, even if there appears to be nothing there. And then to look deeper and see that you are that too, that there is no separation, no you and that, no separate person to be alone. No darkness, just this, you.It is heady stuff, quite lovely really.
well, what is there to say after that? I think there may be a SF fan club swelling to overwhelming pretty soon, no, think its already here....
Your new photo looks full of happiness and light.....
Shadow boxing. Finger pointing. Life expressing itself as everything.
Distinct and separate things do not exist. They appear and disappear in an ever flowing RIVER that does not move or change. When belief in 'things' is halted for whatever 'reason' an open view is spontaneously present and even though this view was always here 'at all times' there 'appears' a revelation so profoundly simple, the mind is forgotten and the game of hide and seek is dropped.
The ease of resting in and AS reality is filled with the sense of 'coming home'. The Bow, the strings, the 'whole Cello' and the 'one' playing it resonate throughout infinity melting everything in its 'pathways' of radiance. From nothing springs forth 'an intent' to move and birds sing, children dance and God smiles on 'the inside' which is the 'outside'. Melting moments of Eternity.
Julian - lovely indeed!
Lune - well, now how paradoxical is that? A SF fan club? When there is no SF and no fans? When I say I don't write this stuff, boy, oh boy, do I mean it. I read back on some of it and think...whoa. That's FANTASTIC! Who the hell wrote it? Not me! I like the picture too, I scanned my face. And it occurs to me to say - thanks for your lovely support.
Gilbert - nicely poetic Dude. That resting in and as reality can seem pretty restless at "times"! It's all the same thing.
soooooo cool, to read One's thoughts (via someone else's mind).
sometimes, it feels as if no one (and Everybody) Is Living One, parallel lives.
Lenny, our lives are the same miracle. Parallel or not!
"others are necessary to mirror and thus unravel our small ego-self"... you know, [I] thought [I] knew this already, but blogging has taken it to such a new level (it's hard to use personal pronouns on your blog...)... so many different POVs, so many different triggers, so many different opportunities to let go of preconceptions and 'ideas'...
Talking my kind of language with your knifey knife and your sudsy suds. Hm hm.
Mommy Honey, you go right ahead and use those personal pronouns. Language is difficult at the best of times - it's hard to even describe something so simple as the taste of an orange, for instance. When trying to describe something that's not a concept, it's impossible! Personal pronouns are a useful point of reference. What can ya do?
And Anonymous, glad the knifey knife and sudsy suds are doing it for YOU.
no you to write it, it gets written, no you speaking, it speaks, No you meaning it and meaning happens.
No one to follow and following happens.
even somewhere a cello is getting played......
Hm, irrational purposeless peace with no apparent cause.
Well. Irrational purposeless peace beats irrational purposeless turmoil any day!
Powerful and utterly beautiful.
I second other comments here: I love and appreciate the way you do not reject anything and accept all as ok just as it is, no matter what it is. This is truly the key - the simplest thing, the secret that is in open view, the reality that we are and cannot be escaped, no matter what is done or not done. just as it is. here and now. beautiful.
Hi Helder, thanks for stopping by and trawling through some of the old posts! Appreciation is felt over "here".
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