Monday, 23 March 2009

If It Were Different, We Would Not Be Here. But We're Not.

There are lots of writings and thoughts and conclusions floating around...out there...somewhere... along the lines of: science and spirituality, at last, concur. In the realm of particle physics, and cosmology, astronomy, the principle of fuzzy logic, etc. etc., the nature of reality is questioned, and the assumptions fall apart: something labeled "consciousness" usually comes up, often as the only thing that exists, and perhaps that's what we've been calling God all this time. This is a necessarily vague and hapless nutshell, but suffice it to say that the solid nature of reality is often questioned and abandoned. It's fascinating. More importantly, it's fun. The open secret, to steal the phraseology of both Thomas Carlyle and Tony Parsons, is unavailable to the mind, no matter how beautifully clever the mind, or how amazingly expanded the mind, or how apparently close to the secret the mind seems to get. The open's everything, and nothing, rolled up into one, with shining beingness drizzled on top, and overwhelming absolute completeness sprinkled on for good measure. It is impossible to describe, frustratingly so, and so blindingly pervasively obvious that once it's seen, you'll kick yourself for not seeing it before. Ah, the fun of trying to communicate the ineffable, it is definitely to be recommended.


No One In Particular said...

They just keep coming, don't they, Chips. The gags, you can't help it, they roll out of your brain like coffee beans on a conveyer, yet another gem, hey, yet another one. Bam bam bam.

Anonymous said...

It made sense to me. Since July I have found I say "I don't know" a lot more than I used to, which is nice, because I don't, and it doesn't really bother me anymore. And it bothers me even less since a friend told me at the weekend that Socrates said the only thing he knew for sure was that he didn't know anything. Jonathan

No One In Particular said...

I don't understand it, that's for sure.

satan said...

The phenomenal self is the content of the inner image.By placing the self-model within the world-model a center is created.That centre is what we experience as ourselves. Our sense of self is a virtual simulation within a larger simulation of an exernal reality which is larger still. The ongoing process of conscious experience is not so much an immage of reality as a tunnel through reality.

No One In Particular said...

OK, Satan, if you say so. Church Lady was right about you.