It is a hard road to convince any ego to embrace and love absolutely everything. Some believe that this is a step toward that elusive clear seeing, where each apparent thing is seen exactly as it is, without the projections and conclusions and judgments of the mind; ultimately, that those things are seen to not exist at all as anything separate, or objective. Those things that appall most egos, those things labelled "bad" or "evil" or "destructive" - the possibility of loving those things thought of (and felt of) as repellent and inharmonious seems impossible, for an ego needs a foil, a raison d'être, something to do, something to conquer, something to be opposed to: an object for the ego subject. Human beings, self-aware and conscious of their doings, usually believe those doings must be tightly controlled. The ego can go through a billion different conniptions, disciplines, and practices to submerge itself or negate itself, can feel the joy of everything-ness in utter harmony without the ego-veil and decide that this bliss is the ultimate quality of everything - benign, neutral; but generally expansive and life-embracing unconditional love. This is the final answer, to the ultimate question: we are love, we are the expression of love; we, and everything we see, is love, manifest. This, and only this. No subject and object: just love. Everything-ness, being-ness, aliveness, awareness, is love; and all the machinations of the mind and ego work against this omnipresent bliss and harmony. These machinations must be rooted out, stripped away, deconstructed, so that this reality - this absolute truth - can be clearly seen, and completely lived.
There are many stories of practice in the traditions of Advaita Vedanta or Zen Buddhism, or even occidental love-based therapy, and many others. Remarkable stories of thirty years of astute practice and asceticism; of extensive study and knowledge; of the peeling away of the layers of the ego, the deconstruction of all the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves, the naked revelation of our personas as one defence after another is seen for what it is, and discarded. There is admonition to devote oneself to the conditioning that has formed our unique persona, and rip it away. This takes great dedication, or at least great courage. Know thyself, in order to negate thyself. Only this way is true seeing possible. Deconstruct the story of life in order to see that it never happened at all. Evaluate and see how your relationships with others are based on fear, and the otherness dissolves. Oneness at last becomes blindingly apparent.
Perhaps the story that can be deconstructed, in an instant, in less than that, in no-time, is the story of the ego's deconstruction. This is oneness, life, everything, for it is oneness, life, everything - now. However, in playing the game of a story unfolding, in time, in this illusory material world, perhaps the story of the ego's deconstruction is more to the point than most. There is no one right story. There is no proper way; all ways are proper, for each way does not really exist.
This clip is a little piece of a story...a little bit of that bliss. It's in honour of my family's trip to Greece for the next two weeks. This famous scene was filmed just north of where we're staying, on the island of Crete. Maya, in Hindu terms, is this illusory world we often take as ultimate reality. Maya is not only difficult and full of trouble; Maya is sweet, poignant, seductive, and absolutely beautiful. Humanity's joy in living is evident in this film. Enjoy.
Perhaps the story that can be deconstructed, in an instant, in less than that, in no-time, is the story of the ego's deconstruction.
Or perhaps you missed the insights and true meaning inherent to these these stories of spiritual endeavors. And some 'ego' is simply changing the story for one of easiness and self-convenience.
Are those, and denial more generally, trademarks of the 'ego' after all? Is it not obvious from the automatic praises made by the commenters' 'ego' that predictably follow each one of your posts? Is it not obvious that their egos love your stories?
What is the 'ego' by the way?
just like any object of deception, a label is used profusely albeit it is not clear to most what it is.
Hiding and protected behind the label and the elusiveness its uses entail the ego (or necessities of the imagination to a bit more precise) actually flourishes through your biased narratives and conceit ...
Hi Anonymous, it's not just automatic praise, it's automatic criticism, and both are equally valid...or not valid at all.
Ego is: the constucted personality, that takes upon itself the identity of existence. For now, anyway, and for the purposes of this discussion.
All narratives are biased. Ego flourishes...or not. There is nothing wrong with ego, not "yours", not "mine", nor "your" narratives, nor "my" narratives. All are welcome, by welcome itself. All challenging commentary appreciated!
The narrative "here" has morphed considerably over the last year or so...and presumably will continue to do so. The narrative is not what is narrated! What is narrated changes not.
The Anonymous commenter above clearly hasn't understood a word of what you wrote. It would easier to educate a duck-billed platypus.
Another great clip, Suzanne, Zorba was a great man. Anthony Quinn said he learned a lot about life from playing him. Have a wonderful holiday in Greece. Walk around barefoot whenever you can to stimulate your feet. Human feet don't get enough stimulation.
Hi GB, there you go with the sycophantic commentary...Anonymous won't approve! And Anonymous HAS to like me! It's so important!
I'll be wearing my Havaianas (flip flops) because I only wear what's in style, because my ego is that sad.
Just kidding. I'll be wearing unfashionable Crocs (so passé) and the same old black sandals I've had for 5 years now, love love love them. I may try the bare feet, but it won't be the same as for you, since my feet don't have an opposable big toe!
You don't need opposable toes, Suzanne, just plenty of nerve endings. But if you're determined to use footwear, you could always try roller skates like this little lady.
I'm new to your blog and am loving it! This video you've posted reminded me of those few precious moments in my own life where I can be totally in the moment - just BEING love and laughter. Thank you so much!
And now, I'll go begin my day in LOVE and may the laughter follow!
Hey GB, too weird...my husband was singing this song in the car yesterday; I commented that the kids of today wouldn't have any idea what a roller skate key was or how to use it, and HE asked "What's a roller skate key?" He just thought it was random, nonsensical lyrics; he had no experience of using the Allen-type key to tighten the metal clamps around his Keds, roll down a hill, and promptly fall down going about 45mph, skinning both knees and the underside of the upper arms in the process. Baby, THAT'S what it's all about!
Hey Diane, don't forget to BE the sadness and weeping too...it's all the same thing.
Ahh, two weeks on a Greek island. You've been a very good girl, haven't you? Personally, I'd like to see some of your 'stories' and 'biased narratives'. Guess I'll have to wait for the book. Enjoy yourself!
If all narratives are biased then the narrative 'all narratives are biased' is biased and therefore not all narratives are biased in the same ways ... you are full of absolute generalizations: 'all' so often. It is good to know you are sure of yourself and your discursive knolwedge about the world so certain and exact :) It is easy to find excuse and comfort in the absoluteness such statements offer. Just like many find them in a God or the idea of free will. By these gross generalizations what you say also become meaningless ... you say you welcome challenges but set up your narratives so that you can easily evade them. Please look back at the comments of your blog and out of the few challenges I posted count how many you got ... There is a pattern here (and it is not the one you described) but you are welcome to ignore it by masking the obvious--everybody can back and look to see their quasi absences ... when there is nothing how can it be automatic?
You turn any challenge in object of light derision and trivialization ... that is not love but a misuse and abuse of humor and how to deal with someone else ... just sad (for you-- I plead you don't worry about me because I know you like to explain my comments by projecting 'bad' and 'sad' feelings to who I am hence the repeated offers for hugs. Don't worry about me ) ...
Let start w/ a simple statment: your trivialization of everything is wrong-headed and contradictory.
Contradictory just like for a plant, which naturally grows towards the light and which integrity is defined and determined by this activity, that would say 'growing towards the sun ... not growing towards the light ... does not matter ... either way is fine ..." while growing towards the sun! A simple fact that our little plan would deny by saying she is just growing 'spontaneously'! A level of naivety that rivals that of the primitives who believed that the weather was the spontaneous product of gods ... except that now gods have been replaced by the words 'apparently', 'seems', illusions, etc. But the compensatory needs and naivety remain the same.
In the advaita tradition there is the framework sat/chit/ananda not sat/chit/whatever ... You are lacking some very basic insights about reality. For instnace, your first paragraph is a poor caricature of the activity of abidance ... 'what is narrated' is surely not what has been narrated by Nisargadatta or Meister Eckart ...
Dear GB: without you being more specific it is difficult not to see a natural and automatic hoarding response trying to protect a friend at all cost--even if the price is honesty ...
Thanks for another rich offering!
I've noticed that you use the word perhaps a lot. Do you know the archaic synonym 'mayhap' (var. mayhaps)? I think it's a sweet word. I wish it was still in use.
Well, Anonymous...what is the correct response to your challenges?
My responses are, indeed, wrong-headed and contradictory. They are so because that is how you see them, and how your system of belief defines them.
The biased narrative I write is not really meant to emulate any other writer, or be reflective of Advaita Vedanta practice and description. What I write is simply what I write. It is no more the truth than any writing, for no writing or concepts are what actually IS. It's plain you have a very specific idea of what is right to believe about reality, and are sure that you are correct, because what you believe is the truth, and such concepts such as "sat/chit/ananda not sat/chit/whatever" represent, for you, what is really, really true and is really, really what is real. Well, fair enough. I am definitely lacking some very basic concepts about reality. I'm lacking them all, more or less. That's kind of the point, if there is one.
Perhaps what I'm getting at isn't any different than what you're getting at. Perhaps growing into the light is the natural unfolding when all concepts are let go of, when there is no one there to hold on anymore, and it is seen there never was...when there is no more fear of "wrongness". When there is no fear of evil, evil, maybe, withers. When it is seen that "evil" simply is what is, and in duality, there cannot be good without it.
And abidance - the Dude abides. And so does everything.
Hey Tom, mayhaps I will.
Hi Brenda, I've been good, bad, you name it. The narratives are on the way, early 2011.
Mayhaps, I will too; but perhaps, I shouldn't.
As I say these words, nothing is being said and yet saying still seemingly happens.HAHAHA
Lovely nothing saying article Suzy *Hugs*
Hi Nicholas, it's always lovely when a nobody like you stops by to say nothing about nothing.
The author of this blog doesn't need my protection: she could delete your pompous and boring guff simply by pressing a button. The fact that she chooses not to do so indicates that she doesn't consider you to be a threat.
Furthermore, the statement "all narratives are biased" is not a narrative. It is a proposition which is either true or false.
Narrative is the general term (for a story long or short; of past, present, or future; factual or imagined; told for any purpose; and with or without much detail).
Greece is beautiful.
Hi Susan,
Thanks for your stimulating blog, which I have been following for quite some time now, and thanks for the very enjoyable video clip with Anthony Quinn and Alan Bates. Must show it to my girl friend, because she loves dancing and will just love it!
Enjoy your holiday in Greece. At the moment it should be much more comfortable there than what we are having here in Berlin, Germany.
All the best
Burghard :-)
It must be beautiful...Will you post some photos?
Hi Burghard, thanks for following. I love that clip too, but obviously Zorba hasn't had much experience teaching a white Englishman to dance or he wouldn't be so enthusiastic!
Hey Leslie, I sure will when we return. The best one so far is my son in midair as he's pushed into the pool by my daughter!
I have a son-and-daughter-mid-air-push-in-the-water photo also. Those are the best. Funny how getting out of the house space does something to the tiny wee brains. Such a natural here-and-now.
No need to even watch that clip (wonderful as it is) the (opening) look on Quinn's face says it all.
:)))))))))))))))))))))))))love u.
thanx for the clip. my the most fav.part from the movie.
Zorba the greek n life is beautiful are my lifetime fav.
Hey Leslie, even resistance to here-and-now is here-and-now.
Hi Nirdosh, I like those uplifting films too, but also films like The Hours or Christiane F.-films full of suffering and loss: life is everything. Actually, my favourite all-time film is Aliens, because I'm a sucker for Ripley's character (the part was originally written for a man in Alien) and I love the Battle of the Pissed-Off Mamas at the end. Also, Suzanne is really pretty shallow-just ask Anonymous, he'll agree!
Just one look reveals that nothing is here, except love, and then the understanding that it is the same when you don't look too.
There is a beautiful untangling continuing to arise here in your words. Thank you
I already mentioned,like to say again that,time i listened u on conscious tv,something clicked as 'thats it'.its not a belief but a strong sense that there is noone called suzanne there.though its a question for me how the me as a somebody got a sense of Nobody.is that possible?would u like to elaborate?
i totally go with Nicholas's word,nobody writing this blog.
and its fascinating for me to see the play of oneness.so it really doesnt matter for me what u write n what u do,everything is grttt fascinating.
There is one word in hinduism called Leela.means'play'. there was lord krishna,in childhood he used steal curd from his own house n neighbors,in youth he romanced with almost all the woman in surrounding,he lead the greatest war of that time.yet,everything associated with is being remembered as Leela.play happened,nothing serious.
sameway i'ld say,this is Suzyleela happening here.i feel blessed to be part of it.
for the movie,i watched blade runner,but the best part was the clip which u have posted here.from now i think,i dont need to watch whole movie bcs u'ld put the best part anyway..hehe..
when u said yr best,then i'm tempted to watch Aliens.
Hi Julian. Call it love, why not.
Hey Nirdosh. Let's try to keep it simple. There is no Suzanne, not really. Just Life, Suzanning and Nirdoshing...playfully. It's seamless.
:)))))))))its so clear when u say it!!!
but Nirdosh is in the place where Suzanne was before the KNIFE thing happenned.illusion or real i dont know,but thats a difference.
Hey Nirdosh...there is no "before".
Hey Nirdosh...there is no "before".
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