Sunday, 7 March 2010

'Tis In The Malice of Mankind That He Thus Advises Us; Not To Have Us Thrive In Our Mystery.

Discover your true nature...that is the promise, the future event, that brings seekers of the meaning of life to sites like this one. They come for meaning, and are either told there isn't any, or that their humdrum ordinary life is fraught with intrinsic meaning, if only they perceive it a bit differently. There are instructions (investigate the "I"), there are paradoxical teachings from people who insist they aren't teachers (no one can teach you to be what you already are), and there is the assurance that the comfy, cozy reality you've always known is, indeed, the very thing you seek; that it is the awareness that reality arises in that is truly reality; that, in fact, what you seek is what seeks; and that there is no change, not really, not even some perceptual shift. It is the realization of this, the fact that "you've" always already been "enlightened", and that enlightenment or awakening is simply (for the mind) at last being content with "what is" that constitutes awakening. In that acceptance of what is, the lack of resistance to what is, including the very resistance itself, lies the secret, the obvious conclusion; we are where we are, we are what we are, now. Whatever and wherever that is, is open to the mind's interpretation, and all interpretations are correct.

The mind will have lots of conditioned ideas about what all this means, and what actions are subsequently required. It will reject any apparent incongruities, i. e., teaching your children to share or engage in any behaviour that reflects a value system, because all value systems are a product of the ego taking itself and its role too seriously. However, it may become clear that you can't get it wrong. There are many words devoted to describing existence, and the concept of nothingness, and how everything that seems to be happening is not happening at all; if the mind ponders the possibility of nothingness, a sort of awe arises, and perhaps a thankfulness for mere existence, which comes to resemble a miracle in and of itself. It may become clear that the tools of duality that are so richly available (when nothing exists except perhaps a bit of cleverly arranged energy, devoid of judgment) are the very things we've been searching for. Maybe it becomes glaringly apparent that life, just as it is, is the very thing we've been traveling to Oz to find, when it has been living in our own back yard. Perhaps the ego and its baggage are something to relish. Perhaps the struggles of mankind, and his suffering, and his quest to relieve that suffering, are the priceless gifts of humanity. Maybe, just maybe, you've been doing it all along, even the doubting of it and the questioning and the restlessness, irritability and discontent.

Miller, the nutball from the entirely excellent film Repo Man, surely has this all figured out.


tom sullivan said...

Coincidentally, shortly before reading "maybe you've been doing it all along," I was trying to formulate something along the lines of,"everything you're doing is IT, but you think you're doing something else."

Bob Seal said...

Bulls eye! That's Beautiful, Suzanne.
Hearing you loud and clear.

Bernard said...

"the comfy, cozy reality you've always known" Ha ha ! I don't know why these words make me smile, it reflects something deeply spiritual, coming from an experienced person. A majority of suffering humans will not recognize the reality they've always known as anything "comfy or cozy". In order to know that, one must have got completely lost, travelled to the border, to chaos, to madness, and back...

No One In Particular said...

Hey Tom, clever!

No One In Particular said...

Hiya Bob, we'd all like to see a loud and clear new 'toon!

Lisa (Mommy Mystic) said...

"lattice of coincidence" - love it...other than the Invention of Lying, you and I definitely have the same taste in movies (and as I responded to you at my blog, that may have been the wine!!)...thanks for another lovely 'pointer'

Kaushik | said...

The spiritual journey runs around in circles and it's a glorious day when we realize this.

Thanks, great article.

Ash said...

"a sort of awe arises, and perhaps a thankfulness for mere existence, which comes to resemble a miracle in and of itself."

yes beautiful Suzanne..yes

thank you..


Wellness Education Institute said...


...are these not the Same?

can a teacher learn to Love liver?

i (for One?) Love the way that you hint that there's no one way to figure it all out.
smiles from the u.s.n.c.,