Tuesday, 17 November 2009
This Is The Monstruosity In Love, Lady, That The Will Is Infinite And The Execution Confined.
Boundlessness is not going to be more infinite tomorrow. Timelessness isn't going to be more eternal after the next satsang. You are whole, complete, perfect and limitless right now. There isn't any other time, and there isn't any other state. So what are you waiting for? There is no utopia but this amazing playground, where everything is always available and every possibility balances on the knife's edge, teetering deliciously, free falling this way or that with the merest whisper of intention. Perhaps you feel your small self is limited and limiting, getting in the way of infinite vision, hampering this shining thing that is enlightenment, where everything is wonderful and all cares and woes dissolve into some sagacious, loving, compassionate ether; where all apparent acts are righteous, and the story of life is devoid of harm and malice. That idea keeps you waiting for what is omnipresent. This expectation veils what is omniscient; the sense that you are not already what you are hides your omnipotence.
Liberation isn't about being more than what you are; it is recognising that what you are, right now, is already free. Enlightenment isn't something you can claim, attain, or take comfort in; it is seeing there was never a limited, separate, sweetly human creature in the first place. Awareness is this, just this, and whatever this seems to be is you, created by you, for your delight. It can be seen. So while you self-inquire, sit in silence, be with stillness, stop thought, meditate, talk with others, agonise over ever being enlightened, make your breakfast, argue with your boyfriend, write tomes about how inadequate life is, feel frustrated, and lament the woes of the world - while you do whatever it is that is done - oneness isn't hanging around, getting any "one-er". The dance of life is danced, and you are along for the ride, the rider, the ridden, and the maker of the ride itself, always. Not tomorrow, or after you've read the next book, or sometime in some nonexistent future. Now. It has to be now. There is only ever now.
My interview is up on conscious.tv, but seeing that won't help either!
Liberation isn't about being more than what you are; it is recognising that what you are, right now, is already free. Enlightenment isn't something you can claim, attain, or take comfort in; it is seeing there was never a limited, separate, sweetly human creature in the first place. Awareness is this, just this, and whatever this seems to be is you, created by you, for your delight. It can be seen. So while you self-inquire, sit in silence, be with stillness, stop thought, meditate, talk with others, agonise over ever being enlightened, make your breakfast, argue with your boyfriend, write tomes about how inadequate life is, feel frustrated, and lament the woes of the world - while you do whatever it is that is done - oneness isn't hanging around, getting any "one-er". The dance of life is danced, and you are along for the ride, the rider, the ridden, and the maker of the ride itself, always. Not tomorrow, or after you've read the next book, or sometime in some nonexistent future. Now. It has to be now. There is only ever now.
My interview is up on conscious.tv, but seeing that won't help either!
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Great interview, Suzanne. It was lemons that did it for me rather than a knife.
Thanks GB. You've obviously taken the knife to the lemons and made lemonade!
"No one in particular" has a face now!:-)
nice interview and beautiful meaningless spoken words!hope to see you soon with Richard Miller Suzanne!:-))
It's not in the next book, but fun stories and the story in your book that you are trying to find time to write (family first though of course), sounds like a good meaningless time-waster that I definitely look forward to!
See now that you told the world, you have to finish writing it. Damn the responsibility!!! LOL
Thanks Leon. Notnevernow may not ever happen if I don't get technically up and running on video Skype!
Oh Lordy Nicholas...it's written, but in longhand...about 3/4 done typing. Also editing as I go. Perfectionism arises, and how.
The source and reality of all appearances are and always have been right here right now. With suffering in the background though, there seems more intension there, the need not to let the mind wander too much and to keep seeing with clarity the true nature of things, so as not to be absorbed by the pain. Do you find that? I don't mind seeing the darkness as just the same as the light, but I don't want to become the darkness-the experience of identification with painful stories is just too awful.
Thanks for allyour contributions, through various media. can you sign language too?
Well Julian...not wanting to identify with the pain can come up, or just the pain, with extravagant intensity; pain is pain; it's just another face of totality. There's nothing wrong with either.
All I can do is the American Sign Language alphabet, and all the naughty words in both American and British sign language. I know most naughty words in most languages - just in case someone's cussing me out in Hungary, I want to know about it! Baromarcú faszfej!
"You are whole, complete, perfect and limitless right now. There isn't any other time, and there isn't any other state. So what are you waiting for?"
That recognition you talked about! That's what!
Another great, mystical-to-me, post! Keeps me coming back.
Hi Mike...that recognition can never happen any time but now.
And when it happens it will be now for sure.
I blew up my last post, and I'm afraid your comment along with it. I couldn't make carriage returns to save my life, and it was all jumbled together. So I started over, and said the same damned thing.
Suzanne, I just listened to your interview on Conscious.tv and wow it was incredibly impacting, I can't find the words to describe it fully. I thought your answers were spectacular, all of them!! Your ability to keep bringing it back to 'whatever is happening is it' was amazing, so real and in the moment. I really felt like I was 'right there'. I laughed so many times! My enthusiasm and appreciation is spilling out . . .
Thanks so much! Ronna Honey, you're only hearing yourself.
So if everything is in the now, does it help to constantly remind yourself that you're in the "now". When I was a kid I used to do that and think "It's now. It's now again. Now it's really now. Still now..." :)
Haven't had a chance to watch the entire video yet but I'm really looking forward to it.
Hi Christine...does it help who? Or what? I guess the answer is no, but it might be interesting to do so. Hope the interview is tolerable!
Tu entrevista en Conscious.tv estuvo maravillosa. Ronna dice todo lo que me hubiera gustado decir, si mi inglés no fuera tan limitado. (Your interview in conscious.tv was great. Ronna says it all what I would like to say, if my English was better.)
Oh, excuse me, but you know what I mean...
Gracias Fernando. Se puede decir que en español si así lo desea. Hablo un poco de español. Muy, muy poco. Nada existe, a pesar de las apariencias!
Hello Suzanne,
I just love that, I use to think that my thinking is in the way to the recognition.
There is nothing wrong with anything, that's beautiful.
You make it very accessible, it seems like it is possible for everyone.
Thank you Suzanne, Love :-)
Hi Ghebrey - thanks- and it is, for everyone.
Hey Suzanne, ¡eres una verdadera caja de sorpresas!... Tu español es magnífico, mucho mejor que mi deficientísimo inglés.
Saludos afectuosos
Interview? Wow!
Hmmm...by the way...
....do you actually state in your interviews that you are "awakened" and that you had an "awakening"?
Guess I need to mosey on over to the "interview" and find out!
Having followed up your link, I've found conscious.tv to be excellent. Thanks Mrs Foxton!
Hey Fernando, Mi español es ayudado por las herramientas de idioma de Google. De izquierda a mis propios dispositivos, probablemente diría que las arañas están usando sus guantes de goma en el cobertizo del jardín! Love, Suzanne
Hi Mike. I hope I don't say that...nobody can awaken. Saying that sounds like it's something the ego can claim. It's not!
And Anonymous, you're welcome...they certainly have a wide spectrum of interviews over there...hours of fun.
Oneness isn't hanging around getting any 'one-er'(paraphrasing). I love that!
I'm sure I'm missing something when 'enlightened ones'say that it's always now. Sure I get that one can always recall the past or project the future, but it's always done in the now. However this mind tells me, if I'm to be honest, that I will someday get this at some point in the future, and when that that moment arrives, it will be now anyway. Not 'now now' but 'then now'. Not sure how clear that was.
Great post Suzanne, and again, really great interview.
Why wait for "then now"? Why wait to live? There IS no "then now". That can be the "big revelation" or maybe the gentle recognition. There is only now. No "then now". Just now.
Hola Suzanne:
Seguramente, como todo, este texto tuyo traducido al español 'is perfectly meaningless'. Y no sé si éste es lugar para enviártelo. Como fuere, puedes hacer con él lo que juzgues mejor, incluido arrojarlo al tacho de basura. Como fuere, disfruté mucho con la traducción, así que ahí va...
"Viernes 26 de diciembre, 2008
Sin volición
Empecé este blog con el ánimo de evitar ofender a la gente cara a cara. Hubo cierta memorable cena con mi esposo que terminó en lágrimas, cuando dije que no había meta ni propósito, ni nada importaba. “Muy bien, entonces ¿qué es lo que te impide asesinar niños en sus camas?”, me preguntó, llevando el asunto al siguiente paso lógico. Traté de explicarle que no hay nadie que elegiría hacer eso; podría ocurrir, pero, para el aparente personaje que soy yo, es bastante improbable. Él estaba horrorizado. Quizás cuando esto parece ocurrir a los aparentes individuos, lo “mejor” es mantenerse silencioso. Los pensamientos y sentimientos que surgen en este aparente organismo cuerpo/mente van por la línea de una fuerte inclinación a hablar sobre ello. Así que éste es un forum ‘a salvo de’, dirigido a una limitada audiencia, para sacar este material fuera de ‘mi’ sistema.
Es todo tan intenso. En la historia de mi vida, un tema recurrente –quizás el tema subyacente– fue cambiar el modo en que sentía, o asesinar totalmente los sentimientos. Sin el filtro de la identidad personal, éstos están al máximo: la aflicción es abyecta, la alegría eufórica. La ambivalencia está perfectamente libre. No hay nadie que se apropie de los sentimientos, aunque esa apropiación, aparentemente, ocurre a veces. Ciertamente, no hay ningún estado aséptico de desapego y observación. Es carnal e inmediato, dulce y agrio, y completo. Totalmente obvio, pues el cambio es: aquello que es, simplemente es lo que es, y eso es. Nadie que esté aún en el sueño de separación desea escuchar que el aparente mundo es absolutamente perfecto tal como es. Yo nunca tuve elección, nunca hubo nadie que tuviera elección; todo simplemente se despliega tal como debe, y los pensamientos que parecen ser elecciones simplemente surgen: no hay allí nadie en el cual se originen. Este blog carece totalmente de sentido, porque lo que está tratándose de describir no puede ser descrito. Simplemente es. Así que es bastante obvio el porqué evito hablar cara a cara sobre esto con otros aparentes individuos, pues lo que digo sonaría como una gigantesca masa de sandeces."
Warm Regards, and Thanks
That's a beautiful translation Fernando, and yes, just as meaningless in Spanish as in English!
Hi Suzanne. I liked your interview too. It looked like you gave Renate a jolt! Kind of contradicted her save-the-world idealism. Very entertaining. :-)
Thanks Andrew. I guess save-the-world idealism comes up along with every other apparent thing!
Well i didn't get a chance to watch the full interview but you're adorable as well haha. What better way to realize then to be washing dishes? =]
Hi liberatedself. Washing the dishes...self-inquiry...meditation...sitting under a tree...all the same thing.
Hey 'Save the world idealism' comes up...longing for less suffering comes up...particularly if you happened to be in an hideously painful story....as does anything else in any other charachter/story...unless of course you Andrew are right....
Loads of things come up. Heartless brutality, vicious aggression and harm, selfless devotion...and it's hard to accept the "bad" stuff...unless it is realised that the bad stuff is you, too.
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