Thursday, 2 July 2009

The Present Eye Praises The Present Object.

How to put it? Not easy. Wherever I seem to be, whatever I seem to do, it is the same thing; it only looks and feels and sounds different. Whatever it is I ever thought I was looking for, was always right there, is always right here. Fulfillment and wholeness is the quality of life, and life is simply whatever seems to be happening; there is no Africa, merely thoughts of Africa; and if I seem to buy a ticket, board a plane, and land in Africa, there is only Africa, and that is exactly the same as wherever it is I seemed to be before; it only looks and feels and sounds different. There is just this, whatever this seems to be; whatever the thoughts and actions that seem to happen, it is the same thing, in a different guise. It doesn't matter what you label this; everything is God; oneness, beingness, wholeness, the still source; it is what is. The separate thing that notes this is not a separate thing; there are only thoughts, whatever the thoughts contain. It matters not a whit. Yet everything matters, its intrinsic value in its mere existence. Whatever this is, it is whole, complete, in balance, even if the thoughts opine it is not. And all there is, is now; it is all there ever is; all we ever have is the present, if you care to label it that, this, and it is endless, timeless, even if memory and speculation seem to make it a story of growing up and growing old. Nothing has changed, nothing can change. Yet everything has changed; the extra baggage of a constructed self is not taken so seriously, by no one; the thoughts opine this too. This is it, as Michael Jackson named his last (and sadly never to be seen) series of shows at the O2. Whatever it is, is what it is, and what it is, is this.


Nicholas (Conscious Flex) said...

Profoundness, can be found in the most unlikely places. In the words of 'System of the Down': "You know that every time I try to go where I really want to be, it's already where I am, cause I'm already there."

No One In Particular said...

Wherever you go, there you are.

Chris said...

Hey No One!

Just wanted to say that I'm loving the blog. As I was reading this post, the mind here is saying that Africa (as per your example) is still 'out there' even though I'm not there at the moment. Not just in thought. Though I guess your 'wherever you go, there you are' explains it somewhat to me.I guess that whatever 'I' am experiening here at the moment is the totality of it?
I guess I'm stuck in a point of view and can't see the whole picture. Sorry if this sounds confusing. It just feels like there's a me here experiencing whatever I am experencing at the moment, while 'others' out there are also experiencing different things elsewhere, causing these feelings of separation.
Thanks for bearing with me :-)

I love that System of a Down song! Sugar!


No One In Particular said...

Hi Chris, thanks for commenting. The things we seem to hang onto pure existence can seem very complex, especially to fine minds that seem to work well. Everyone is the whole world, and all those apparently separate lights are one light, and that world, I guess, is perception with or without an "me" overlaying it. Or something like that!

Chris said...

Thanks No One for your response. Yeah I guess it's like Catherine Harding once said on the UGC: One light, many lamps.When that is heard here though, it seems like Awareness has split itself into 6 billion different pieces and that no one gets to see the 'whole' so to speak. Perhaps when I hear things about Oneness, I'm expecting a 'one' that sees and knows the totality and I'm neglectng my own experience?
Guess I'll have to sit with this for a while.

Would love to seeor hear an interview wih you BTW!

Thanks again


No One In Particular said...

Apparently, "I" have not been asked to do one!

Admin said...

It's confusing to know anything about how this oneness (or whatever it is):

Sometimes everything observed is me and simultaneously I have no sense of self doing anything.

Other times, I see myself everywhere and some part of me feels like I am doing all this but I am not sure how I am doing it (like opening and closing me hand, I can do it, but not sure how).

Other times, I feel no sense of I and there is no connection to anything I see even as I witness it as me.

And there are times I don't feel I am here at all and everything seen is just happening like nonexistent exiting. The totality of groundless empty void and completely full.

Most of time, it's just changing states of awareness/experiences and a witness that is too confused to try to figure any of this out.

Confusion seems to be directly linked to whatever this is (I like to call it love).

No One In Particular said...

Nothing wrong with a bit of confusion. Whatever it is that seems to happen, must.