Saturday, 13 June 2009

I With Great Truth Catch Mere Simplicity.

It's either oneness or it isn't, and it is. There is either no time, or time; there is no time. All that seems to happen happens in this everlasting moment, all there ever is, no past, no present, no future. It is all we ever have; and what we have is everything. So many stories seem to unfold, yet there is no unfolding; there is only this. So many apparent happenings, or experiences, are lauded above others; yet whatever happens is the one, in another guise. Whatever choices seem to be made choose oneness, in another form. There can be no end to suffering, yet another story, without an ending to bliss. And there is no goal, no direction, no desirable outcome; it is as it must be, and life's purpose is itself. Every apparent happening is existence in its infinite play; there must be separation for life to apprehend itself. We are lived in perfection. The agonising over the existence of a separate self is just as it should be. The dissolution of a separate self, the ultimate goal of so many, is yet another story; unimportant, miraculous. Whether oneness is sensed or not, matters not. Whatever this life seems to be, it is as it must be. Nothing is a mistake, even as apparent mistakes are made; whatever is happening is happening; and whether the illusion of duality is seen through or not, the goal is always met.


mike said...

"It's either oneness or it isn't, and it is. There is either no time, or time; there is no time. All that seems to happen happens in this everlasting moment, all there ever is, no past, no present, no future. It is all we ever have; and what we have is everything." these are the rules of the game? But what if we choose not to follow the rules? What happens then? ; )


Crazy Pianist said...

Hey hey (I am poking you on the shoulder) does realisation happen or does it not? And logic? Could you do a number on that? Or would a piece of writing on logic simply occur, through your fingertips, and subsequently happen on my screen?
L+ove reading your posts, they deserve to be spoken aloud.
You have inspired me to write without proofing, forgive forgive.

No One In Particular said...

Hey Mike and Crazy, thanks for the comments. I read this stuff later in the day and think, whoa, this is good. Who the hell wrote it?

No matter what is chosen, it is an appearance of choice, and whatever seems to be chosen is oneness in another guise.

"It's either oneness, or it isn't, and it is..." that's a particularly fun one to pick apart! Duality, is-ness, double meanings. Words may be futile, but they are fun.

Realisation happening is, no matter how paradoxically to the point, just another story. I don't know about you guys, but I love a good story!

O wonderful wonderful and yet again wonderful, and after that, out of all hooping!

Admin said...

That is a lovely picture you made. Awareness sees it as itself, yet never saw it before now. *Still enjoying the mystery*